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Data Files

For this example, we will use file car_urban_day_horse.h.

Attributes #

$ h5dump -n 1 car_urban_day_horse.h5 | grep attr
 attribute  /creation_date
 attribute  /raw_bag_name
 attribute  /version
  • creation_date: time when the file was processed.
  • raw_bag_name: raw bag that was used to create this file.
  • version: commit tag of the repo when the data was created.

Groups #

Event Data #

Event data was recorded with Prophesee EVK4 cameras, which have IMX636ES sensors. Event data is stored in the groups /prophesee/left and /prophesee/right.

The data from the event cameras is decoded, but undistorted. We provide the distortion coefficients and models from calibration.

$ h5ls -r car_urban_day_horse.h5/prophesee/right
/calib                   Group
/calib/T_to_prophesee_left Dataset {4, 4}
/calib/camera_model      Dataset {SCALAR}
/calib/distortion_coeffs Dataset {4}
/calib/distortion_model  Dataset {SCALAR}
/calib/intrinsics        Dataset {4}
/calib/resolution        Dataset {2}
/ms_map_idx              Dataset {28661}
/p                       Dataset {433702903/Inf}
/t                       Dataset {433702903/Inf}
/x                       Dataset {433702903/Inf}
/y                       Dataset {433702903/Inf}
  • calib:
    • resolution: (width, height) resolution.
    • T_to_prophesee_left: Transformation from the frame of the camera to the frame of the Prophesee left event camera.
    • camera_model/instrinsics: Camera models and coefficients used in Kalibr.
    • distortion_model/distortion_coeffs: Distortion model and coefficients used in Kalibr.
  • ms_map_idx: precomputed index for the events for each ms of the dataset.
  • (x, y, t, p): event array with (x, y) coordinate, timestamp, and polarity.


This data was recorded with the OVC 3B in the group /ovc.

Grayscale Imagers / RGB #

The OVC imagers have AR0144CS sensors. The grayscale stereo pair is stored in the groups /ovc/left and /ovc/right. The RGB data is stored in the group /ovc/rgb.

Additionally, /ts, /ts_map_prophesee_left_t, /ts_map_prophesee_right_t provide useful timing information when working with imagers.

$ h5ls -r car_urban_day_horse.h5/ovc/left
/right                   Group
/right/calib             Group
/right/calib/T_to_prophesee_left Dataset {4, 4}
/right/calib/camera_model Dataset {SCALAR}
/right/calib/distortion_coeffs Dataset {4}
/right/calib/distortion_model Dataset {SCALAR}
/right/calib/intrinsics  Dataset {4}
/right/calib/resolution  Dataset {2}
/right/data              Dataset {714/Inf, 800, 1280, 1}
/ts                      Dataset {714/Inf}
/ts_map_prophesee_left_t Dataset {714}
/ts_map_prophesee_right_t Dataset {714}
  • calib: Camera calibration information. Please refer to the Event Data section for more information.
  • data: Image data in (n, x, y, c) where n is the image index, (x,y) are the pixel coordinates, and c is the channel (mono, RGB).
  • ts: timestamp of the image.
  • ts_map_prophesee_{left, right}_t: mapping to the index of event camera data for each image.


IMU data was recorded with a VN100T mounted on the OVC. The IMU data is recorded in the group /ovc/imu.

$ h5ls -r car_urban_day_horse.h5/ovc/imu
/accel                   Dataset {11424/Inf, 3}
/calib                   Group
/calib/T_to_prophesee_left Dataset {4, 4}
/omega                   Dataset {11424/Inf, 3}
/ts                      Dataset {11424/Inf}
  • calib/T_to_prophesee_left: Transformation from the frame of the IMU to the frame of the Prophesee left event camera.
  • accel: Linear acceleration provided by the VN100T IMU.
  • omega: Angular velocity provided by the VN100T IMU.
  • ts: Timestamp for the IMU samples.

Ouster #

This data was recorded with an Ouster OS1-64-U in the group /ouster.

$ h5ls -r car_urban_day_horse.h5/ouster
/calib                   Group
/calib/T_to_prophesee_left Dataset {4, 4}
/data                    Dataset {286/Inf, 128, 12609}
/imu                     Group
/imu/accel               Dataset {2930/Inf, 3}
/imu/omega               Dataset {2930/Inf, 3}
/imu/ts                  Dataset {2930/Inf}
/metadata                Dataset {SCALAR}
/ts_end                  Dataset {286/Inf}
/ts_start                Dataset {286/Inf}
/ts_start_map_prophesee_left_t Dataset {286}
/ts_start_map_prophesee_right_t Dataset {286}
  • calib/T_to_prophesee_left: Transformation from the frame of the IMU to the frame of the Prophesee left event camera.
  • data: binary data output from the sensor. We use the LEGACY data format.
  • metadata: metadata required to decode the data.
  • ts_start/ts_end: timestamps corresponding to the start and end of the Ouster swipe.
  • ts_start_map_prophesee_{left, right}_t: mapping to the index of event camera data for the start of the Ouster swipe.
  • imu: IMU included in the Ouster
    • accel: Linear acceleration provided by the Ouster IMU.
    • omega: Angular velocity provided by the Ouster IMU.
    • ts: Timestamp for the IMU samples.